Your Home's Journey to Stardom Starts Here!

Learn the secrets to making your home a magnet for photographers and brands.

Does this sound like you?

  • You adore your home but wonder if it has the potential to be more than just a house for your family.
  • Maybe your home is already a shoot location, but you feel like there is more potential to get more bookings.
  • Navigating the new shoot locations industry feels like a maze, there’s no easy to find information so you’re always wondering if you’re doing it right.
  • You’d love to make more money for your family, maybe for that next holiday but don’t want to have to work hard and be absent to make that extra income.

Imagine if...

  • Your home was in demand and got as many bookings as you like.
  • You had confidence that you were doing all of the right things to make your shoot location even more successful.
  • Running your shoot location felt easy.
  • Your home was the biggest money maker in your family, creating opportunities you never imagined were possible.

Imagine if...

  • Your home was in demand and got as many bookings as you like.
  • You had confidence that you were doing all of the right things to make your shoot location even more successful.
  • Running your shoot location felt easy.
  • Your home was the biggest money maker in your family, creating opportunities you never imagined were possible.

Picture this… You’re sitting at the airport lounge, the excitement of a Bali holiday with your family bubbling within you. As you leisurely flip through a glossy magazine, a familiar sight catches your eye – your living room, elegantly hosting the latest fashion shoot. A smile spreads across your face, realising that this very room made this family trip possible.

This isn't just a dream; it's what making your home a successful shoot location can make a reality for you.

Introducing the Shoot Location Success Course…

The World’s Leading Course to Transform Your Home into a Profitable Photoshoot Hotspot

Join the program where we unlock the secrets to transforming your home into a sought-after photoshoot hotspot.

Here’s why!

Boost Your Bookings, Boost Your Income

Unlock the potential of your home and make it a lucrative asset.

Save Time with Insider Shortcuts

No more trying to figure it all out on your own.

Get Confidence in Your Home

Uplevel your hosting skills, get your home shoot ready and market like a pro with support from industry experts.

We'll help you go


  • A hidden gem with untapped potential
  • Feeling overwhelmed and lacking confidence
  • Dreaming of bookings
  • Wondering if your home has what it takes
  • Wishing you could make more money
  • Feeling lost in the new world of shoot locations


  • A shining star enjoying regular bookings from brands you love
  • Confidently managing every aspect of hosting shoots
  • A calendar bustling with exciting shoots
  • Seeing your home feature in stunning brand shoots
  • Earning an extra income without stepping outside your door
  • Being part of a vibrant, supportive community.

Let’s be clear this is not fully baked…

Let’s be honest: this vision of Shoot Location Success didn’t happen overnight. About 18 months ago, while steering Aloca, we noticed a gap.

Hosts, much like you, were left to fend for themselves in this emerging industry. We saw families with potential goldmines in their homes, missing out simply because the industry lacked structure and support. We envisioned a solution where hosts could thrive, creating win-win scenarios for everyone involved – more income for families, more creative spaces for brands, and a thriving community that lifts each other up.

That’s where the concept of Shoot Location Success came in. We’ve been working super hard behind the scenes since then, but we are still polishing the course so there’s a few pieces that aren’t finalised yet…

Here’s what we know you’ll get so far…

Comprehensive Modules

Covering everything from setting up your space to attract top brands, to marketing your shoot location effectively.

Real-Life Case Studies

Learn from those who’ve successfully transformed their homes into popular shoot locations.

Expert Insights

Gain valuable knowledge from industry leaders and marketing experts.

Practical Tips and Tricks

Discover the insider secrets to boosting your bookings and maximising your space’s potential.

Marketing Mastery

Learn how to showcase your home to attract high-profile shoots and create a compelling online presence.

Community Support

Priority access to a vibrant community of fellow hosts for shared learning and growth.

Resources and Templates

Handy tools and templates to streamline your journey as a shoot location host including pricing guide, house rules template, cleaning checklist, welcome kit template, hashtag lists and so many more.

Regular Updates

The course content will evolve with the industry, ensuring you’re always up to date.

Here’s a sneak peek of some of the modules inside

But that’s not all!

As part of the founding cohort you also get these bonuses:

Lifetime access – continue learning and growing with us.

Bi-weekly live calls – get all your questions answered directly (for the first 8 weeks).

Extra support – we’re here for you every step of the way.

Shape the future – your feedback will be used to shape the future of this program.

The official launch is slated for January 22, 2024 and when the Shoot Location Success Course is officially launched you will have full access.

Between now and then, things will be happening fast and furious behind the scenes and we’ll be asking for your input to make sure the course is amazing for you.

The catch is that you can only become an early bird founding member of the Shoot Location Success Course for 72 hours.

This is for decision makers who see an opportunity to be right there at the beginning of something amazing.

Once we have a small group of committed individuals the doors will be closed until January while we put the finishing touches on our course for our official founders launch.

Meet the Visionaries Behind Your Home's Transformation

The Shoot Location Success story begins with Aleace and Rach, the brains behind Aloca. As more and more hosts kept seeking advice on how to turn their homes into successful shoot locations, a lightbulb moment occurred.

It became clear that homeowners needed more than just a platform to list their spaces — They need their own space where they can be supported throughout their journey, regardless of what platform they choose. They need a community where they can learn, grow, and be inspired to make more income from their idle space and to host shoots that attract the best brands and film productions.

That’s when Aleace and Rach realised that there is a huge opportunity to disrupt and help an emerging industry thrive, but they knew it was bigger than Aloca.

It’s about more than growing a business, it’s about fulfilling a deep rooted mission to create a movement that empowers more people, especially women, to create the lives they’ve always dreamed of, without having to leave their home.

Aloca has always seen itself as the connector – connecting creatives and hosts to create amazing content. Now Shoot Location Success follows in these footsteps, connecting hosts with experts regardless of the platform they choose. A collective of the best and brightest minds in the industry, all willing to share insights and strategies to help you start or scale your successful shoot location.

Aleace and Rach have teamed up with Industry experts like Toni Bache to make this course a reality…

First, meet Toni Bache from Scale Her Success – the powerhouse behind your journey. Toni is a business strategist, coach, mentor, digital marketing expert, serial renovator, and photoshoot location host. She’s pretty much the Swiss Army knife of shoot location success. Toni has been there, done that, and she’s ready to share her experience with you.

You’re not only gaining access to Toni’s wealth of knowledge, but also her hands-on experience and innovative strategies. With her guidance, you’ll be set up for success, whether you’re starting from scratch or ready to scale up.

But Toni isn’t your only guide on this journey. We’ve curated an impressive line-up of seasoned hosts who are absolutely crushing it in the photoshoot location game. They’ve transformed their homes into hotspots for film and fashion shoots, and they can’t wait to share their success stories with you.

These are real people with extraordinary stories to tell. They’ve navigated the ups, downs, and everything in between on this wild ride. And now, they’re ready to spill the secrets behind their shoot location success.

So, are you ready to step into this exciting new chapter with us? Are you ready to transform your home into a money-making, shoot-hosting powerhouse? If you’re nodding along, then hit that button and join us on the journey to shoot location success.

We guarantee you’ll love it!

Not sure if the Shoot Location Success Course is right for you?

No worries!

You get 7 days to test drive it, completely risk free.

It’s simple, if once the course begins on January 22 you don’t love it (which I’m sure you will!), just let us know and we’ll give you a full refund.

We’re offering this money back guarantee because we believe so strongly that it can make a huge difference in your life and want you to see how transformational it can be, risk-free.